🪳 Termites! 🪳

If you had to choose one insect to invade your house for a week, which would it be? I don’t know about your answer, but mine would definitely not be termites! Did you know that a single colony of these little critters can consume up to 15 pounds of wood in one week? In one year, they are responsible for the same amount of property damage as one tornado! They can consume the wood in a house to the point of making it uninhabitable in as little as one year. When you think about those facts, these creatures suddenly seem a lot more of a threat!

Termites are relentless workers, operating 24/7 without any breaks. They don’t only eat wood, however. These pests will also devour fabric, insulation, and basically anything else they can get their chompers on. Their unstoppable appetite and ability to remain hidden make them especially dangerous.

There are many kinds of termites, including subterranean termites, formosan termites, damp wood termites, and dry wood termites, each with their own different characteristics and challenges. For example, subterranean termites make tunnels and live underground, making them harder to spot, while dry wood termites, true to their name, live above surface and on dry wood. Preventing termite infestations requires regular inspections and a careful eye to spot any signs that these creatures are invading your house. In the same way, we must be careful to inspect our hearts regularly to ensure we don’t let sin root itself in us! 

Proverbs 4:23, Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.


🕺🏻Character Posing!🕺🏻

