Health Coaching
Hi There!
My name is Vashti Flores and I am the health coach here at SunFlores Farm. You can learn more about myself and our family ministry through the flier shown.
I began learning about healthy living and using holistic approaches since I was about 13 years old. As I’ve gotten older, I have learned to love this approach to better living and decided I wanted to make it a focus in my life to help others see the wonders that natural remedies and lifestyle changes can bring. I studied at the Wildwood Institute for Health Evangelism and have continued my studies on auto-immune disorders through the program Med Missionary led by Dr. Joyce Choe and Mercy Ballard, as well as have continued my own science-backed, evidence based research.
How Does the Health Coaching Work?
Before beginning the coaching sessions, we will have a FREE 30 minute session where we will cover the program and find out if it is something that fits what you are searching for.
If we decide that it is something you definitely want to do, we will proceed to have 10, 1 hour, weekly sessions where we will address your health concerns and teach you how to continue a lifestyle that will help you stay healthy.
What Program Will You Be Following?
Most people in our modern age suffer from “leaky gut,” which then creates a rollercoaster of issues, starting with something as “small” as chronic headaches to full blown auto-immune disorders, such as diabetes and lupus. Our target goal is to heal your leaky gut, which will then alleviate and may even eliminate your symptoms.
What is leaky gut?
In short, leaky gut means that your intestinal epithelium (intestinal lining) has become permeable due to lifestyle factors, which mainly include diet and stress. This means that some toxins that were supposed to be released as stool are re-absorbed into the bloodstream and create inflammation and other negative effects in the body.
Full Program Cost (10 sessions) - $750
You will be asked to pay at least half of the program ($375) before your first hour session. Then you will be required to pay the second half ($375) no later than the 5th session.
To apply, click the button below.
3 spots available. Consultations starting first week of May.