Young People Moving Forward


Join us for Testimony Tuesdays!

Welcome all! We would love to have you join us for Testimony Tuesdays, where different speakers share with us how God has worked in their lives. We will be having Testimony Tuesdays each Tuesday, starting August 13th, 2024, leading to our upcoming webinar week in 2025.

Click Here for More Details

Webinar Week 2025

We will be hosting a webinar week next year, 2025, where we will be taking a look back in time at our young SDA pioneers and be reminded that young people can still move the work forward today! Details on this event will be coming soon!


Each Tuesday, starting August 13th, 2024. Meetings will be held at 6:00pmPST

Click Here for Meeting Dates


The meetings will be held through Zoom.

Click Here for Zoom Meeting ID & Password

Cost! - FREE

Meetings will be FREE