Corn Harvest!!

Hi everyone! This Sunday, September the 4th, 2022, we began to harvest corn! This year, for some unknown reason, the corn only grew up to around 4 feet. Last year, it grew around 5 feet, which is also not as tall as this variety of corn should be, but the reason was because there were extremely heavy rains throughout the summer. You would think that more water means happier plants, but that is not always the case! With corn, it prevents the stalk from growing to it’s full potential. But God is never stingy with His blessings! Last year we got a pretty good harvest and even though the stalks were even shorter this year, they still are providing corn!! Not only this, but because of the rains, there were hardly any corn earworms, which have been such a burden to pick off of each individual ear. Here is a photo of our first harvest. That is not all the corn we got, though. It was just the first “batch,” as there are still other ears of corn that are in process of maturing. Possibly this next Sunday we will be harvesting more, since it seems to be ready.

This week we also had a nice bonfire outside while eating some fresh-from-the-garden corn! Produce from your own garden always tastes better than store-bought and that was the case for this corn, too! It was sweeter and softer than the cobs you buy at the grocery store. Thank God for His many blessings!

Don’t Miss Out! As we will soon be posting a “How to Properly Freeze Corn” step-by-step explanation on our “Farm Tips” section! There will be both a written version with photos and a video version as well! Subscribe to our website, so you don’t miss out on any new content or Subscribe to our YouTube channel “Going Country!”


🍂Fall Harvest!!🍁


Celery Harvest!