Celery Harvest!

Today, we harvested some over-wintered celery that we planted in the greenhouse last year, 2021! When you over-winter a plant, it means that you leave it in the ground or in a pot in a place where the roots can survive the winter and sprout again the next year. Usually, the foliage itself will die back, but the root should stay alive! This is the first harvest of celery that we get from this plant, but as you can see in this picture, the stalks grew very thick and tall. We have already used celery from this plant for soup and have also simply cut it up and eaten it fresh for lunch! Praise God for this harvest!

*Health tip! Did you know that celery juice is good for lowering cholesterol? If you want to learn more about this and other benefits of celery, head on over to our Health Nugget section under our Healthy Living tab!


Corn Harvest!!