
You might know blobfish by their ridiculous-looking, bloated appearance, but there is so much more to them than just that! For starters, did you know that blobfish don’t normally look like the flabby mass we usually see pictures of them as?

Blobfish only get their jelly-like look after they’ve been taken out of the Midnight Zone (3,300 - 13,100 feet below the ocean level)! This is because their skin tissues rely on the deep ocean water pressure to keep their shape, so when that pressure is no longer present, their skin becomes a gelatinous mass. It’s quite a painful process.

Another thing that blobfish don’t have is bones! Since they are completely reliant on the heavy pressure that the water in the Midnight Zone gives them, they don’t have any need for bones to help keep their shape!

Many fish have a swim bladder (A swim bladder is a sort of balloon-like organ inside most fish that helps them control their buoyancy!) to keep them somewhat buoyant, but Blobfish don’t have one, as the pressure would most likely cause it to pop.

Blobfish are a lie-and-wait predators, therefore meaning that they don’t actively hunt for food. Rather, they lie at the ocean floor and eat whatever prey happens to pass through! Their diet consists mostly of crustaceans, meaning things like lobsters and crabs. However, they will also eat sea urchins and mollusks! 

God created the blobfish specifically to stay deep underwater, and if they are taken from there, they die a slow, painful death. Like them, we’re supposed to stay in the environment God made for us! He specifically designed people to love him and follow his commands, because he knows that that is the only way we can be truly happy! 

John 15:11 - I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.



