The Benefits of Marigolds

🍂 Hello everyone and Happy November! 🍂

Today we are going to be going over the benefits of the marigold plant. Many people use the name marigold and calendula interchangeably, but the aren’t the same thing! Marigolds are scientifically known as tagetes erecta and the calendula plant is known as calendula officinalis. Both are very beneficial, though! It wasn’t until recently that I actually learned all of these benefits of the marigold flower! I had no idea that this common flower had so many. God was really smart about making almost every plant have a beneficial or healing property! Before we go into the benefits, I would like to share with you all some photos of a volunteer marigold patch that grew this year. We have grown marigolds as decorative flowers in the past couple of years, but this year all these grew on their own!

Now that we have taken a look at the beauty of these flowers, let’s go into the details of what they are good for!

These flowers are beneficial both topically (using the oil or extract of the petals or through ointments or salves) and internally (by eating or chewing of on the petals or taken by tea, if you are sure your marigold plant is safe to ingest).

Internally, marigolds:

  • Can alleviate cramps and aid in digestion (if taken by tea three times a day)

  • Bring nausea relief

  • Aid stomach ulcers

  • Bring relief to menstrual discomfort

  • In tea form, they can be used in baths and cold compresses for its anti-inflammatory and relaxing properties

Externally, marigolds:

  • Are good for soothing and moisturizing all skin types, including people with sensitive skin or with conditions, such as eczema and psoriaisis.

  • Treat sores

  • Treat wounds

  • Treat rashes

As you can see, this little plant is a lot more important than one would think! This goes to show that God has a purpose for everything, including you!

If you are interesed in learning how to make your own marigold salve, or how to use it in other salves such as for burns (including sunburns!) and rashes, stay tune to our “Natural Healing page” to learn how to make these products and more! And, if you are curious to read a bit more on how our last marigold (and other produce) harvest went before the freezes came in, check out our “Farm blog!”

Thank you for reading and God bless!


Britannica. (2022) Discover the medicinal benefits of marigold and its uses in the food industry.

Plants for a future. (n.d.) Tagetes erecta.

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