Benefits of Celery

Most people put celery in their soups, salads and some even juice it for its flavor, but they don’t even realize all the benefits they are getting from this popular veggie! Celery can be most beneficial raw or juiced. Some of the properties raw celery contains are:

  • Vitamin A

  • Vitamin C

  • Vitamin K

  • Potassium

  • Folate

It also has antioxidants, which help prevent several diseases, one of which is cancer.

In it’s juiced form, celery can be good for lowering one’s “bad” cholesterol and in turn lowering blood pressure, as it is rich in phthalides, which are components that help reduce the “bad” cholesterol. Not only this, but celery is rich in fiber, which also helps with cholesterol, blood sugar levels and weight maintenance! Thank God for creating celery!

If you are interested at taking a look at our celery harvest from our over-wintered celery plant, head on over to our Farm Blog under the Farming tab!

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