🤔Blood Alkalinization…What’s That?🤔
Hello everyone!!😊Today we've got an interesting health nugget for you. It has to do with blood alkalinization! What's that, you may ask? Well, remember in school when they taught us about the pH scale and how to the right of the scale you've got the most alkaline (basic) numbers (14 being the highest) and to the left you've got the more acidic numbers (0 being the lowest)? 7 is the most neutral number. This scale can be used to test a variety of items ranging from food to soap. If something is more acidic, it will be as the name implies, acid. For example, limes usually have a pH number of 2-2.80. On the other hand, more gentle products will be towards the other end. Soap, for example, has a number of 9-10.
A demonstration of the pH scale.
Did you know that our blood is supposed to be between a range of 7.34-7.45 in alkalinity? This means that it has to be slightly more to the right of the scale. Your body must have this alkalinity in order to stay functioning and healthy! If it is too alkaline or too acid, then different health issues may appear. For the majority of people, blood acidity is a problem. Diet has a huge role to play here. Acid foods should only consist of 20%-30% of your diet. Alkaline foods should consist between 70%-80% of your diet. Below there will be a list of acid foods and alkaline foods. If your blood is too acid, this will cause problems such as arthritis, osteoporosis, inflammation and other health issues. Unfortunately, the typical Western Diet is made up of foods that acidify the blood. By taking on a plant-based diet, you can help your body keep it's blood at a good level. Here is the list of acid and alkaline foods:
Acid (20%-30%) - 🥩🍭🍺 Alkaline (70%-80%) - 🥦 🍋🥬
Grains Lemon
Legumes Dark green leafy vegetables
Nuts (excluding almonds) All other vegetables
Caffeine Millet
Alcohol Buckwheat
Tobacco Quinoa
Drugs Amaranth
Sugar Spelt
Meat Kamut (a type of wheat)
Aged Cheese Seeds
There are some acidic foods/products that should be avoided all together, such as sugar, meat, aged cheese, caffeine, alcohol, tobacco and drugs, as these cause general inflammation in the body, as well as acidity in the blood. This inflammation can be very hurtful to your body in several ways, which will be discussed in a further post.
In conclusion, we should try our best to keep a well balanced diet between acidic and alkaline foods, so we can keep our system going and strong! Thanks for reading and I pray this small health nugget has blessed you! 😊
“Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, who you have from God, and you are not your own? For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s.” - 1 Cor. 6:19-20
- Victoria F. (Medical Missionary Student)