☀️Summer Update!🌱

👋Hello everyone!👋 I hope you all have been having a blessed summer!🌻We know we have 😁 It has definitely been very busy, as usual, but praise God we have been reaping what we have sown! Following will be some photos showing our harvest so far this year. It is great to be able to be eating our own fresh produce and buy less products from the store.

I’d like to share a quick summary of our season until now. Around March, we started getting a few early rains, which is exactly what we needed, especially for the large plot of pinto beans that we planted. After this early rain, though, we did not receive any rainfall for a few months. The earth was very dry, so whenever it did sprinkle a little, it would be quickly absorbed into the earth or evaporated by the hot, summer sun. The whole county seemed to be praying for rain, since a lot of people own gardens and many also feared wildfires, which are very common during droughts. Thankfully, God answered! We have been getting regular rain for a couple of weeks now, with sunshine on and off during the day. This has treated our plants very well and they are very happy!🌱😊

Unfortunately, a big problem this year for all gardeners in the area seem to be the pests. Due to the drought, a whole lot of insects were drawn to anything with moisture. In this case, our plants (and our eyes and mouths too, apparently 😖). This created a surplus in insects that were not only annoying, but have also been having a good feast of our plants. Since we grow without pesticides, it is difficult to keep them completely out of our produce, but praise God that they have not completely chomped down our plants and we have been able to get a good harvest.

It has been an interesting growing season for us and other people in the area, as most gardens did not produce at all and although ours has, some plants just haven’t produced as much as the previous year. Regardless, it has still been a good season and we thank God for every piece of fresh produce that we get!

Produce taken to our family’s “Mini-Market”

Green bean and black bean bushes



Corn 🌽

Peppers and pepper plants 🫑🌶️

Cabbages and cabbage patch

In order: leafy greens, calendula flowers, harvested tomatoes, prepped veggies all from the garden, and tomato plant

We hope you have enjoyed this short summary of our summer so far and its accompanying photos! God bless! 😁🌻

- Victoria F. (Medical Missionary Student)


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🌽Corn Harvest Adventures!🌽


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