🌽Corn Harvest Adventures!🌽
Hi everyone! 👋 I can’t believe it is already September. The year is really flying by!! With fall approaching faster than we can keep up with it, we have been harvesting like crazy the past couple of weeks and will continue to do so until everything is out of the ground! Every year we get a pretty good corn yield, but I believe this year was one of our best! We harvested nearly 200 ears of corn from about 70 plants. For the first time ever, we got some plants with 3 ears of corn instead of just 2, which is the norm. We had to harvest about 3 times to get everything out of the field! Not all of the plants that we germinated sprouted up, so we had to start another “batch”, which were then planted a little later in the ground. These were the last to be harvested. Here are a few photos!

It’s easy to show all the pretty side of farming with all the beautiful produce, but especially with organic farming, there are definitely hard parts to it too. Last year we were faced with the problem of too much rain, which can cause corn to stay “dwarf.” It still produced a good bunch though! The main difficulty every year are the corn worms!! If you didn’t know already, there are adult corn earn worm moths that will deposit their larvae into the ear when the corn ear is still young. If left in there, they will eat the entire cob and grow to be very big! This can be prevented with pesticide, but since we grow without them, we have to go through the corn, cob by cob and manually take out and dispose of each worm. If the corn is not mature and ready yet, we close up the tops back up with a rubber band and this usually prevents more worms from being deposited in that cob. Lots of work, but very worth it!
And even once the cob is off of the plant, there is still a last matter to be dealt with. Corn will only stay fresh between 5-7 days IN THE FRIDGE, so once harvested it must be preserved canned, frozen or eaten!! Anything that isn’t eaten in that time period is vacuum sealed in bags and sent to the freezer for future use.
God has really blessed and we are very thankful for all His blessings! 🌻🌻🌻Happy harvesting! 🌽
- Victoria F. (Medical Missionary Student)
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