First Cooking & Herbal Class 2024
Hello everyone!👋 I hope your 2024 has been going great! A few days ago we just had our first cooking class🍕 and first herbal remedies🌿class of 2024. You can find both on our YouTube channel linked here.
We had a bigger turnout than expected! It was a true blessing. There was much interest in both the cooking and herbal classes, as well as the programs soon to come! Here are a few photos of the classes on Monday.

Everyone loved both flour and gluten free pizza options that were made during class. We were even told that our cashew “cheese” tasted like real cheese! Yay! 🥳We also went over how to make quinoa, chia pudding, and your own vegan Italian dressing (which is a favorite!). The benefits of using a cashew alternative to cheese, a gluten free pizza crust vs regular flour & quinoa vs brown rice were also discussed. It was a really fun time!
The Intro to Oils & Infusions class was given for free as an introduction to both our Herbal Remedies🌿 class that will be $5/class and our Intensive Soap Making Course that will cost $35 for the whole 4-week course.🧼 To be on our website in the near future. Much was learned on oxidative stability of different oils, as well as different flowers and herbs that can be infused in the oils!
You will be able to find the recordings for our Cooking Classes that will remain free on our YouTube channel, as well as the PDFs with the recipes used here on our website. We hope you join us for our future classes! God bless! 🌻