😌The Importance of Rest

Rest is one of the most important health laws, but most likely to be looked over.

Rest is important for better mental health, better immune system, increase in productivity, restoring your body, and so much more. Are you getting enough rest? Here are some signs that you might not be getting enough sleep:

* Visually fatigued or exhausted?

* Expressing frequent feelings of worry or anxiety?

* Appearing or acting overwhelmed?

* Having difficulty concentrating on their tasks?

* Exhibiting frequent mood changes or mood swings?

* Generally irritable or angry?

* Showing signs of depression?

Research shows that the most important time for sleep is 10pm-4am, of course we need more hours of sleep than that, but it is during those hours that our body is regenerated the most. Apart from physical rest how else can we rest?

*Rest from food

*Emotional rest

*Spiritual rest

Multiple studies have shown having a “stop day” improves your physical and mental health and productivity. Also, giving your body a rest day from supplements and exercise has been proved to recover and repair, making your body become stronger during your rest. Coincidence? I think not. In a 2005 issue of National Geographic, researchers studied the three groups of people that boast the longest longevity—those living in Sardinia, Italy, Okinawa, Japan, and California, United States. In California, the researchers found a group of Loma Linda Adventists who stood out as "champions of longevity in North America." In this region, they found more centenarians, and less fatal diseases compared to other parts of the developed world. At the conclusion of the study, it emphasized that Adventists also rest on the Sabbath, a day when they socialize with other members of their church and enjoy a period of rest. They stated that most Adventists follow this lifestyle, demonstrating the benefit of combining a long healthy life with religion.

The human body was created to rest after six days of work. God created us, and as the Creator, He knows our body and all our needs. He knows what is best for our health and life. Our body was created to follow a seven-day cycle, with a day dedicated to renewing our energies and obtaining mental and physical rest. Apart from all the mental and physical benefits that help us to live our best lives let us remind ourselves that our bodies are God’s temple and caring for our bodies is one way to worship Him.

Author: Judith C.

Licensed Massage Therapist (LMT) 1/19/2023

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