The Benefits of Castor Oil!

Remember the days when kids dreaded the mention of Castor oil from their mom or grandma?  Castor oil was a home staple to “cure” digestive issues.  This resulted in kids with tummy aches or nausea getting a big spoonful of Castor oil “just in case”.  However, it was not only used internally.  It was also used topically for so many other ailments and needs, from skin problems, to preventing hair loss, to helping menstrual cramps. Well, those days aren’t over yet!  BUT Don’t worry, the great news is that you don’t have to dread swallowing this not so tasty, but certainly amazing oil, which by the way comes from the Castor Bean.  It can be used externally for not only the above, mentioned health issues, it can also be used topically for other more possibly serious health issues.  Castor oil  is said to be anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, and anti-fungal so it covers a wide array of ailments and needs. 

Castor Oil can be used in several ways, but an amazing topical use is through the use of compresses.  A compress in this case is the use of a towel or piece of cloth where the Castor Oil is applied liberally and then is placed onto the affected part of the body and preferably left on that part of the body for several hours or overnight.  The towel should be wrapped with press n’ seal or plastic wrap to keep the oil from from seeping out and staining your clothes or other fabric.  How will this help, you might ask?

Castor oil’s active ingredient is a compound called  Ricinoleic acid which  penetrates deep in to the body  tissues.  Although not many scientific studies have been conducted on this “miracle” oil’s benefits, there is much testimonial evidence that this little bean actually has been known is known to break up bumps, lumps, adhesions, bone spurs and can even dissolve or reduce kidney and gall stones, as well as cancerous tumorous and cysts. 

Some recommendations about Castor oil is that it keeps best if bought and kept in a dark, glass bottle. Also, it is best if bought as cold press due to the low temperatures that are used to press the oil.  This helps retain more nutrients and antioxidants. 

Whether it be for eye, hair, or gut health, lumps bumps, or congestion, go ahead and give Castor Oil a shot.  Prove those benefits on yourself or someone you love and become the next living testimony about what God did for you, through the use of Castor Oil.

Psalm 104:14  “He causeth the grass to grow for the cattle, and herb for the service of man:…”


Please note: Castor oil could have some side effects, such as nausea, vomiting, thirst, and diarrea (among a few others), but effects will usually stop once castor oil is not used anymore.  One great precaution that it is not recommended for pregnant women as it is said to induce labor.  Please consult with your doctor if you are under the use of medications.

- Vasti F. (Main Farmer & Medical Missionary)


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America’s Favorite “Family-Friendly” Drug - Pt. 1