Garlic Poultice

What you will need:

  • Fresh garlic, 2 or 3 cloves

  • Knife, fork or garlic press

  • Cheesecloth, large washcloth, or other thin fabric

  • Bowl

  • Warm water (not boiling)

  • Optional: bandage (to keep poultice in place at awkward angles)

  • Olive oil or another kind of oil


  1. Crush the garlic so it is nice and juicy. You can do this with the back of a fork, a garlic press, or cut with a knife.

  2. Lay out the cheesecloth and double it over. (For kids, triple fold it to be sure no raw garlic is coming into contact with their sensitive skin).

  3. Place crushed garlic into the middle of the cheesecloth.

  4. Fold up the cheesecloth like a burrito, folding two opposite sides over the garlic and then the two other sides over the top of that.

  5. Place poultice in a bowl of warm water and leave for a few seconds.

  6. Squeeze out the excess water and lay poultice on desired spot; generally on the chest or bottom of feet. For extra sensitive skin, it is a good practice to apply some olive oil to the skin before applying a garlic poultice (this helps protect the skin form irritation).

    To keep secure under feet, put on socks over the poultice and then tie a plastic bag around your feet to keep juices from slipping out.

  7. Keep poultice on skin for at least 30 minutes up to an hour.

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