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FREE Healthy Cooking Class Monthly

April 11th @ 11:30AM Limited Space - 20 Spots

Our Healthy Cooking Classes are FREE unless otherwise stated. In these classes we share why these recipes are healthier than the original traditional recipes. We then prepare prepare the food real-time and at the end we share the meal together for lunch! We require RSVP ONE WEEK ahead of time, as we need to prepare enough ingredients for everyone to eat. Each class will be recorded and posted on our YouTube channel, as well as livestreamed on our Facebook page.

Herbal Remedies Class Monthly - $5/person

The Herbal Remedies Class is $5/person per class. In these classes we will be covering different practical herbal remedies and products that can be made at home. Products we will be making include salves, tinctures, poultices and more! Videos will be recorded and provided ONLY for attendees! It is required that you RSVP ONE WEEK before the class date, so make sure you book your spot ASAP!

April 11th @ 1:30AM Limited Space - 20 Spots

Online Cold-Process Soap Making Class COMING SOON

This Online Soap Making Class will cover all you need to know to start making your own cold-process soap! Not only this, but you will learn how to formulate your own recipes, as well as what to avoid doing, so you don’t end up with a sad batch! We will be covering essential oils you can or shouldn’t use, different herbs and infusions that will make your soap extra nourishing, and much more! These classes will NOT be recorded, so make sure you come prepared with a notebook and pencil.