Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled

1 Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.

In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.

And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.

- John 14:1-3

Love. It’s all Love! The idea of going to Heaven is one that most Christians love to think about. A mansion just for you, in a perfect place where nothing goes wrong! Nothing bad about wanting that, right? Well, no, it is not wrong, but I believe that most of us don’t realize the real meaning of these verses. For one, Jesus is telling us that we shouldn’t be troubled about the things of this Earth and that if we believe in God, we also believe in Him. He tells us that after all the trials of this life, there is something more beautiful ahead. But why? We don’t deserve it! Not at all. We are all sinners and have betrayed God over and over and over. We don’t deserve Heaven or a mansion or a perfect life. But God Loves You! He loves you so much, that He wants you to suffer no more and enjoy an eternal life with Him. He sent His son to live a humiliating life here on earth, just so you could have the chance to reach eternal life. Isn’t that something beautiful? It may be something you hear over and over, but really try to take it to heart. If you were at gunpoint, and a parent, family member, friend, or even stranger took the bullet for you, wouldn’t you be eternally grateful? Jesus went through that and more. Because of this, we should love Jesus for this sacrifice and also be willing to give our all for Him. And if there was never a Heaven at the end of the road, the fact that we could spend eternity with Jesus should be just as much of a joy. So, ask yourself, are you striving for Heaven, or for Jesus? He loves you and wants you. Do you want Him?


Jesus, My Friend


Praise God for the Blessings He Gives Us!